Puppy Care_Job Aid.pdf

Tool Used: Canva

Time: 1 hour

Challenge: Lack of knowledge and understanding from new dog owners that leads to poor pet decision-making which effects the health and happiness of the dog.

Solution: In addition to the eLearning course available to take, this job aid offers a simplistic yet reinforcing visual for new dog owners to refer to when preparing to bring home a puppy for the first time.

Results: Consistent proper care by new dog owners making decisions for the health, happiness, & overall wellness of their dog- including supplies needed, feeding, bathing, exercising, training, health & safety.

Tool Used: Canva

Time: 2 hours

Challenge: Soft skills are utilized far more often than hard skills in the workplace, ranking extremely high on the list of desired employee strengths. However, many companies are not prioritizing soft skill training for their staff.

Solution: This slide deck was created to give Learning & Development teams insight as to what soft skills are and why training on these skills is important for their staff. This presentation would be geared towards convincing L&D teams that the efficiency and performance of their staff would significantly improve with consistent and engaging soft skill training.

Results: Soft skills would become an integral part of a company's training regimen. From this, employees would show an increase in communication, adaptability, teamwork, creativity, and problem solving, therefore benefiting the company in which they serve.